Cancun Lagoon Specials
Coupons and other Cancun Lagoon specials are available on this website as well as various coupon books distributed along the Grand Strand of Myrtle Beach. Coupon books are available at your hotel, grocery stores, and many other outlets. If you have trouble obtaining coupons, please call us for more information.
• $1 off Single round till 6pm with coupon – print web coupon
• $4 off All Day pass with coupon
Contact us for Group Rates:
Group discounts start at 15 people. Must be booked 24 hours in advance.
Special Passes
All three locations offer a series of passes for you to choose from to further your family experience.
Hopper Pass
Unlimited golf at ALL 3 LOCATIONS for one day. 9:00am – 11:00pm. Travel form location to location as you enjoy over 99 holes of unlimited golf with three different adventure themes.
Paradise Passport
A 3 day pass with unlimited golf at ALL 3 LOCATIONS. 9:00am – 11:00pm each day. Choose your 3 days within a 7 day period and enjoy 99 holes of unlimited play across 3 different adventure themed locations.
* Hours for unlimited passes vary per season. Hours posted above reflect the June – August summer season. Coupons available in various coupon books or this website. Coupons valid for Adult Single Round and All day Passes. Prices, hours and specials subject to change at any time.